Monday, November 5, 2012

About Me and Desi Bytes

Hello and welcome to Desi Bytes!

My name is Lavi and I love photographing, creating, and eating some of the most delicious and interesting foods out there! Born a vegetarian to Indian parents, I have been introduced to all sorts of yummy veggie delights since I was little. Having seen my mom and grandmother cook all sorts of delicacies in the kitchen, I can definitely say that my life has revolved around food for a LONG time.

While I am a desi at heart and am always up for a good masala dosai, I love trying new and interesting (vegetarian) foods all the time, from sweet corn polenta to chili-spiced dark chocolate truffles. One day, I hope to be able to travel all around the world, tasting the unique flavors of different ethnic groups and regions.

A little bit about myself: I'm currently a freshman at Indiana University studying Public Health and Nutrition Science. Originally from Carmel, IN, I tend to make gazillions of trips home in order to spend time with friends and family over delicious, home-cooked food (what else?) !
At IU, I'm involved in tons of different organizations and clubs, including IU's first ever South Asian fusion dance group, Hoosier Rangila!

However, no matter what I'm doing, the conversation tends to come back to one topic: food.

Why start a blog?
Well, I've asked myself this about a million times. For a long time, I've avoided it, simply because so many people seem to be blogging these days. However, after sharing tons of pictures of my food adventures on Facebook and receiving lots and lots of positive feedback (and some requests for cupcake deliveries :D ), I figure, why not?

Living in a dorm proves tough for this foodie, as options are limited and, well, sometimes pretty gross. But with the help of some fellow foodie friends and a stocked fridge, I strive to create tons of college masterpieces that blow even the toughest critics away. Since a lot of my meals are eaten in cafeterias or restaurants, I also try to find the prettiest (and tastiest) dishes here in Bloomington. Sometimes, they're only a phone call away :).

**Note: I'd like to dedicate this blog to my fellow foodie, best friend, and 'sister', Shreeya. Although we chose to go to rival schools, we still somehow make time to have 3-hour skype dates (where at least 1 hour is dedicated to all of our food adventures ;).


  1. I like it so far. I have a feeling this blog is gonna make me hungry

  2. hey lavi...pattu here
    cool blog..will fosho keep up with this yummy blog.
